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发布时间:2021-11-04 10:47:50 阅读: 来源:活动房厂家

元器件交易网讯 12月17日消息,据外媒EETasia报道,高通在开源联盟方面付出巨大努力,已争取到23个组织采用其AllJoyn支持软件,并有了一个新名字AllSeen。



AllSeen的顶级成员(花费30万美元进驻这一阶层)包括有名但是规模较小的厂商如海尔、LG、松下、Wi-Fi路由器制造商TP-LINK。二线成员需要花费5000到5万美元。它们中最大的公司包括思科系统公司(Cisco Systems)、HTC及哈曼(Harman)。







围绕软件的知识产权相当明晰,但目前高通拥有何种专利尚不清晰。AllSeen将在ISC的许可下展开工作。(元器件交易网毛毛 译)


Qualcomm has made great effort for rallyinginto an open-source alliance of 23 organizations for its AllJoyn software underthe new name of AllSeen. However, there remains a lot to be seen about thismove.

Billed as unifying glue for Internet ofThings products, AllSeen is one of the countless standard and proprietaryoptions for high-level middleware to network devices. It will compete, forexample, with Java, which Oracle started aggressively driving into the IoTspace this year. Everyone agrees that fragmentation is perhaps the biggest IoTissue. Even Kickstarter startups are proposing ways to solve the challenge.

You don"t see in the AllSeen group someindustry giants such as Apple, Google海报制作模板, Intel, Samsung and Sony probably becausethese companies have or are developing their own internal IoT softwareinitiatives.

Top-tier members of AllSeen (those who paid$300,000 for a seat on its board) include significant but generally smallerplayers such as Haier, LG Electronics, Panasonic and the WiFi router makerTP-Link. A broader cast of generally second-tier players anted up between$5,000 and $50,000 for a seat at the meetings. The biggest of them includeCisco Systems, HTC (one of Qualcomm"s closest customers) and Harman作品评选.

Clearly, these folks hope the code isuseful in their products and catches fire with a broader set of companies. Butso far their expressions of commitment are mainly unspecific.

Among the exceptions, Guodong Xue, adirector of standards and patents at China white goods maker Haier said in anAllSeen press release, "We are planning to implement the AllJoyn-basedframework across our line of appliances."

What the industry will need to see fromAllSeen is a steady stream of useful code and member companies adopting it inshipping products. To date, I am not familiar with anyone using AllJoyn outsideQualcomm (generally in technology demos such as its Toq smartwatch), eventhough it has been around for more than a couple of years.

The group describes AllJoyn/AllSeen as"a code base of various modular services that enable discovery of adjacentdevices, pairing, message routing and security."

The code, now available online, runs onversions of Windows, Android, iOS, and various Linux distributions and embeddedOSes. It supports C++ and Java with support for C, C#, JavaScript andActionScript "in various stages of development."

AllSeen is still organizing work groups andtheir tasks. So far it has agreed to focus on issues such as device discovery,network access, user notifications and audio streaming.

Intellectual property rights around thesoftware appear pretty clean, but it"s not clear if Qualcomm holds any patentson it. AllSeen will release its work under the ISC license.

(王博轩 HT002)